Results for 'Nisren Farouk Moawad'

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  1.  18
    The Effect of Strategic Control on Customer Satisfaction with E-Marketing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Nisren Farouk Moawad, Walid A. S. Seddik, Thana A. Azizi, Mona H. T. Saleh, Manal Mohamed E. L. Mekebbaty, M. H. Rabie, Mona Mostafa Abdo Sakoury, Haitham Fayez Mahmoud Akl & Sayed Hassan Abdelmajeed - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1196-1213.
    The current study aimed at identifying the effect of strategic control on customer satisfaction with e-marketing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study used the descriptive approach. A questionnaire was prepared and administered to a sample of (315) customers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study found a statistically significant correlation at the significance level of (0.05) between all strategic control dimensions, customer satisfaction with e-marketing, and customer approval of the positivity towards the practices and advantages of strategic (...)
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    The role of pragmatism in De-sign: persevering through paradoxes of design and semiotics.Farouk Y. Seif - 2020 - Cognitio 21 (1):112-131.
    Conhecer qualquer coisa sobre a realidade é fiar-se em signos, e viver a vida semioticamente é transformar a realidade através do design. De-sign é uma noção cunhada para introduzir a fusão de design e signos. No processo reiterativo de de-sign, não há separações ou limites absolutos entre o pensar e fazer como formas de conceber uma ação possível ou desenvolver ações posteriores. O livre movimento dentro de multiplicidades simultâneas, transcendendo a aparência das coisas e manipulando criativamente uma variedade de polaridades, (...)
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    Mutual mimesis of nature and culture.Farouk Y. Seif - 2010 - Sign Systems Studies 38 (1-4):242-267.
    Since the beginning of history humans have attempted to represent nature and culture through mimesis. This article focuses on the teleologicalaspects of mimesis and offers a different perspective that transcends the notion of sustainability into an eco-humanistic metamorphosis of culture and nature.Drawing from semiotics, phenomenology and architectural design the article challenges the polarization of mimetic representations of nature and culture,which are inclusive and homomorphic phenomena, and offers insight into the mutual mimesis of nature and culture. Two different empirical observationssubstantiate the (...)
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    Editorial Introduction: What Has Intentionality Got to Do with Labyrinthine Navigation?Farouk Y. Seif - forthcoming - Semiotics:1-7.
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    Paradoxes and Perseverance: Designing through Antinomies of Life.Farouk Seif - 2014 - Semiotics:135-160.
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  6. Reassessing views regarding the dark ages of byzantium (650-850)(*).Soliman S. Farouk - 2006 - Byzantion 76:115-152.
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  7. Einige Bemerkungen zum Proömium der 'Metamorphosen' Ovids.Farouk Grewing - 1993 - Hermes 121 (2):246-252.
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    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Vergleichs:: Martials "Diadumenos" und Catulls "Lesbia".Farouk Grewing - 1996 - Hermes 124 (3):333-354.
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    Verrückt nach Frauen: Der Epigrammatiker Rufin.Farouk F. - 2008 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (1):81-82.
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    Verrückt nach Frauen: Der Epigrammatiker Rufin.Farouk F. Grewing - 2008 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (1):81-82.
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  11.  44
    Al-Ghazālī and the Ismailis: a debate on reason and authority in medieval Islam.Farouk Mitha - 2001 - New York: Distributed in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press.
    Al-Ghazali is arguably one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Islam, and his writings have received greater scholarly attention in the West than those of any other Muslim scholar. This study explores an important dimension of his thought that has not yet been fully examined, namely, his polemical engagement with the Ismailis of the Fatimid and early Alamut periods. Published in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies.
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  12. W.G. Sebald and Orientalism : constructing and unsettling the European gaze toward Muslims.Farouk Mitha - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    The Development of Theory of Mind in Saudi Children.Ruba Abdelmatloub Moawad - 2022 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 22 (1-2):164-178.
    Theory of Mind is considered a person’s ability to understand his or her own mind and the minds of others, it includes a social-cognitive skill with implications for many aspects of children’s life, such as social competence, peer acceptance and early success in school. The aims of this research were to study the development of Theory of Mind and to investigate differences in the performance of Theory of Mind tasks across age groups and by gender in Saudi children. 264 children, (...)
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  14.  26
    Foreword: In Loving Memory of John Deely.Farouk Y. Seif - 2016 - Semiotics:v-vii.
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    Looduse ja kultuuri vastastikune mimees.Farouk Y. Seif - 2010 - Sign Systems Studies 38 (1/4):268-269.
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  16.  24
    Semiotic Paradox of the New Media.Farouk Y. Seif - 2012 - Semiotics:53-68.
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  17.  29
    De-sign Agency as the envoy of intentionality: trajectories toward Cultural Sensitivity and Environmental Sensibility.Farouk Y. Seif - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (2):285-307.
    This article explores how De-sign can be utilized as a navigational trajectory toward the integration of cultural sensitivity and environmental sensibility. It affirms that intentionality makes it possible for human beings to make meaning of their world. Navigating through trajectories for the purpose of seeking desired outcomes is a reiterative de-sign process that is constantly adjusting pragmatically. Because de-sign outcomes are only invariant aspects of the unfolding process of synechism and palingenesia, every de-sign situation is a unique journey toward infinite (...)
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  18. W.G. Sebald and Orientalism : constructing and unsettling the European gaze toward Muslims.Farouk Mitha - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  19.  42
    Dialogue with Kishtta.Farouk Y. Seif - 2013 - American Journal of Semiotics 29 (1-4):101-115.
    This dialogue between two “semiotic animals” explores the paradox of life and death where death is not perceived as an absolute end or an inevitable aspect of life. The reciprocal and paradoxical relationship between life and death is at the core of the semiotic process. Death is an integral part of this semiotic process, like a door opening out on another transcending world with unpredictable outcomes. Not only does the dialogue reveal an insight into the semioethics of the ritualization of (...)
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  20.  11
    Editorial Introduction: Signs of Ambiguity and Uncertainty.Farouk Y. Seif - forthcoming - Semiotics:1-8.
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  21. Acknowledgments.Farouk Y. Seif - forthcoming - Semiotics:1-1.
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  22.  53
    From the Absolute to Metamorphoses.Farouk Y. Seif - 2011 - Semiotics:82-104.
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  23.  18
    Semiotic Animal on the Path of Evolutionary Love.Farouk Y. Seif - 2016 - American Journal of Semiotics 32 (1/4):127-142.
    John Deely uses the way of signs not only to establish the contact and dependencies between human thought and action and the surrounding physical universe, but also to account for a social construction of reality as part of human experience beyond mere “thinking thing”. Experiencing evolutionary love is a reciprocal exchange of desire, which is the primary strength of Eros, where eroticism and semiotics intertwine. When Deely states that all animals signify, but only human animals are capable of developing semiotics, (...)
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  24.  40
    Can design inquiry advance edusemiotics? Rethinking factual information and imaginative interpretation.Farouk Y. Seif - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (212):219-238.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 212 Seiten: 219-238.
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    The Eternal Masquerade.Farouk Y. Seif - 2013 - Semiotics:195-215.
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  26.  39
    Fusi (A.) (ed., trans.) M. Valerii Martialis. Epigrammaton liber tertius. (Spudasmata 108.) Pp. 580. Hildesheim, Zurich and New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2006. Paper, €88. ISBN: 978-3-487-13094-. [REVIEW]Farouk F. Grewing - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):153-154.
  27.  8
    Formal Formulations of the Line Element as it Appears in A Sample of Microscopic Shapes.Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Ahmed, Aber Abdo Mohamed, Afaf Ahmed Mohamed Farraj & Ahmed Mustafa Mohamed Abdel Aziz Hassan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:540-560.
    Problem Background: Design is that complete process of planning and creating a form in a functionally satisfying way, bringing pleasure to the soul, and satisfying human need utilitarianly and aesthetically at the same time. The design has its elements, which is the vocabulary of the language of the form used by the designer artist, and the elements of the design line, and is considered a basic means of expression in plastic art, the researcher has noted that microscopes have a variety (...)
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  28. Nuṣūṣ wa-muṣṭalaḥāt falsafīyah.Farouk Abel Mooti - 1993 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah.
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    Public health and the legal regulation of medical services in Algeria: Between the public and private sectors.T. Alsamara, G. Farouk & M. Halima - 2022 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 15 (2):60-64.
    The article examines the issue of public health and medical services in Algeria and analyses the role of the public and private sectors in supporting and promoting public health. Our study is based on an analysis of legal texts that highlight Algeria’s health policies. Some significant aspects of the article are: the Algerian policy of opening health services up to private investment; the lack of contribution of private health institutions in the field of medical education; and issues surrounding the organisation (...)
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  30.  12
    Taking Advantage of the Aesthetic Values of Asiri Art Decorations to Enrich and Sustain the Printing of Modern Women’s Clothing Supplements to Preserve Saudi Heritage Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques.Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Ahmed - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:584-614.
    Sustainability is the result of modern-day design philosophy as a result of major industrial developments and many conflicts and wars. This concept is what prompted this research to focus on the possibility of achieving the principles of sustainability practically - in field reality - through the use of artificial intelligence techniques to create contemporary designs derived from the Saudi Asiri heritage and employ them in printing sustainable clothing supplements. Heritage-inspired design has cultural meaning and importance, and its purpose is to (...)
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  31.  9
    The Ethical Responsibilities of Researchers in Light of the Technological Advancement and Artificial Intelligence Methods: A Case Study of Management Ph.D. Researchers at Midocean University.Ahmed Farouk Aly Mohammed, Sarah Homoud Al-Himali Al-Kahtani & Sarah Mubarak Mohammed Al-Dossary - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:194-218.
    This study aimed to assess the integration, ethical considerations, and governance of artificial intelligence (AI) within the PhD programs at Midocean University. It specifically sought to understand PhD researchers' perceptions and attitudes towards AI and identify areas for enhancement in AI-related policies and educational initiatives. A descriptive analytical approach was adopted, utilizing an electronic questionnaire distributed to 105 PhD researchers, with 54 completing the survey. The questionnaire was designed to measure various aspects of AI usage, ethical concerns, and governance practices. (...)
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  32.  9
    Enriching Artistic Works with Leftover Colored Paper Using The Art Of Colored Paper Quilling For Female Students Of The College Of Home Economics To Achieve Sustainable Development.Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Ahmed, Dr Rasha Hassan Hosni & Dr Nashwa Mohamed Esam - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:832-848.
    The field of artistic works is witnessing continuous changes and developments in new sciences and modern technologies. This is due to the community’s need for these works of art, and as a result of the colored papers remaining from paper manufacturing factories that are not used. The idea of the research was to use these remains to enrich the artwork and give it a contemporary appearance by using colored paper draping techniques to enrich the aesthetic aspect of the artwork.The research (...)
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  33.  7
    The Possibility of Adapting Patchwork Techniques to Achieve Sustainable Development of Artworks Using Traditional Artistic Decorations in the Asir Region and Benefiting from them in the Field of Small Projects.Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Ahmed & Mohammed Hussein Mohammed Haggag - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:694-720.
    Small projects are among the most important projects that bring economic benefit to societies, especially developing societies, because of their effective role in training young people, investing in their energies, and urging them to establish their own small production units, which contributes to eliminating the phenomenon of the unemployment problem. The current research aims to design works of art using Asiri art motifs by recycling scraps of fabric, ready-made clothes, and furnishings using a patchwork method. This has led to an (...)
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  34.  72
    COVID – 19: A Critical Ontology of the present 1.Moulay Driss El Maarouf, Taieb Belghazi & Farouk El Maarouf - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (1):71-89.
    COVID-19 has crowned1 a number of other disasters (wildfires in Australia, Desert Locusts in Kenya, an imminent WWIII merging Iran and the US), causing panic to click into place and horror to become our global predicament, making us realize that we live in the illusion of the permanence of things, of mastery, and of immortality. People’s turning to social media for trans-local news on COVID-19 has stirred great ire in the world. This led to the proliferation of dark images that (...)
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  35.  18
    Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice.Liana Saif, Francesca Leoni, Matthew Melvin-Koushki & Farouk Yahya (eds.) - 2020 - BRILL.
    _Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice_ presents the latest research on Islamic occult sciences from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, namely intellectual history, manuscript studies and material culture.
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  36.  10
    Benefiting from Symbols of Saudi Heritage to Create Artistic Artifacts Using Artificial Intelligence Programs.Nashwa Mohamed Esam Abd El Aziz, Amani Mohammed Badir & Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Ahmed - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:849-855.
    By combining the art of Saudi heritage, because of its aesthetic values that increase and enrich the work, and the recycling of old environmental materials, innovative artistic artifacts were produced. The importance of the research came Attention was paid to the decorations of Al-Qat Al-Asiri art and benefiting from it in creating innovative artistic artifacts. The The research aims to demonstrate the aesthetic values of Al-Qat Al-Asiri art and benefit from them in creating innovative modern art objects through the idea (...)
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  37.  19
    Martial: The World of the Epigram (review).Sven Lorenz - 2008 - American Journal of Philology 129 (3):439-442.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Martial: The World of the EpigramSven LorenzWilliam Fitzgerald. Martial: The World of the Epigram. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 2007. x + 258 pp.At the beginning of The World of the Epigram, Fitzgerald asks, “How does one read an epigrammatist?” (1). It is the question of how to come to terms with “the paradox of a book that is at the same time a random collection of (...)
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  38.  15
    Review of Die Grabanlage des Monthemhet (TT 34) I: Der Weg zur Sargkammer (R 44.1 bis R 53). [REVIEW]Stefan Bojowald - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (2):466-468.
    Die Grabanlage des Monthemhet (TT 34) I: Der Weg zur Sargkammer (R 44.1 bis R 53). By Louise Gestermann, Carolina Teotino, and Mareike Wagner. Mit einem Beitrag von Farouk Gomaà und Zeichnungen von Natalie Schmidt. 4 vols. Studien zur spätägyptischen Religion, vol. 31. Wies baden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021. Pp. xxv + 1454, pls. €298.
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